Sunday, February 3, 2008

Whitening Toothpaste

What constitutes “whitening” toothpaste? It seems that almost every kind has the name attached in some way/shape/form. Doesn’t baking soda pretty much cover it? I mean, in general… shouldn’t brushing your teeth alone do some sort of minimal whitening? Isn’t that the overall intention, to clean the crap off your teeth? I realize some toothpastes may have more “whitening” agents, but could I use my t-shirt and finger to scrape the film off my teeth and develop a marketing scheme to advertise the method as “whitening”? Whitening has become so over abundant than I am questioning the basic qualifications as a whole.

1 comment:

holly said...

Ah, come on.....the surplus of useless products and the people who buy them are what make capitalism work! :) But, let me know how the T-shirt as whitener research goes!