Saturday, July 12, 2008

dog diaries 101

I'm ober excited; my Roonie baby was able to sleep with me for the first time last night. He is notoriously a horrid chewer, and I had been wanted to clean out my room of anything that might possibly interest/tempt him so that he would be able to sleep with me. In the past he has slept in the kennel next to my bed, which he loves. Well, I had been dog sitting for a friend so when I returned last night I just said screw it and let him be loose (limited to my room only). There was possibly the most junk in my room ever, since I had been gone and my family used it as a dumpster. Anyway, he did FANTASTIC! Not a single thing chewed or destroyed, he didn't pee on anything, or take a dump in my room. It was amazing, and I'm so happy it was a success! =] I love my moosie!

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